Top 5 reasons to live in Cali
1. Weather
2. Skate spots
3. Industry
4. Opportunities
5. Job
Top 5 reasons NOT to live in Cali
1. Homies still in Philly
2. No where to skate on weekdays
3. No Wawa
4. Traffic
5. ABD's/bust factor of skate spots
Top 5 skate shoes growing up
1. Axion Guy's
2. DC howard 2's
3. Vans half cab (maroon)
4. I had a pair if Ricky Oyola's Kastels
5. `Es Koston one's
Top 5 skate videos
1. Feedback
2. Eastern Exposure 3
3. Mouse
4. New Blood
5. Baker2
Top 5 Bowie songs
1. 5 years
2. Ashes To Ashes
3. Rock N Roll Suicide
4. In The Heat Of the Morning
5. Quicksand
Top 5 reasons to throw up a "Shakka"
1. Say hi
2. Give someone props
3. Making a trick sketchy
4. Its fun to do

Top 5 Teemo quotes
1. "I would spring break that off from behind"
2. "Holding down retards aint my area of expertise but i managed."
3. "Hot Wax is the only sanity thats left"
4. "Spring has sprung and so has my boner"
5. "Hot Wax takeover ugly bitches get a makeover"
Top 5 things that suck
1. Shitty weather
2. Vibers
3. Being hurt
4. Securtiy guards/cops
5. Blank boards/skate videos on youtube
Top 5 things to do before a skate session
1. Drink a coffee
2. Sit in traffic
3. Play s.k.a.t.e.
4. Watch a video
5. Wake up
Top 5 things you wish you could change in skateboarding
1. Get rid of blank and shop boards
2. Get rid of skate stoppers
3. No free dvd's
4. Kids skate for the fun of it rather than try to immediately get sponsors
5. I liked when you used to skate a shopping center and people would look at you like you were the scum of the earth for skating, i kinda want that feeling back.
Top 5 things you would do if you got you're own show on MTV
1. Hook up the homies
2. Travel the world
3. Not make skateboarding look cheesey
4. Skate more
5. Have fun
Top 5 dead musicians
1. Kurt Cobain
2. Freddy Mercury
3. Jimi Hendrix
4. John Lennon
5. Johnny Cash
Top 5 reasons NOT to eat fast food
1. It's gross
2. Get fat
3. Stomach ache
4. Feel all greasy
5. In-N-Out is tight though

oh & here, for your viewing pleasure <3
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